Muscle Pain Relief

image of guy in pain holding his shoulder

Muscle Pain

If you are a person whosuffers from muscle pain and tightness, you are not alone.  

This is probably one of themost common complaints I hear from patients, and although stress and anxietycan cause muscles to tighten up, there are other issues thatneed to be addressed.  

Although tension can befelt anywhere in your back, the neck and shoulders (trapezius) tend to be the areas most affected, especially if you sit all day at work.  

What most people don't knowis that the position of their head is usually the main culprit behind their pain. That's because for every 3cm the head moves forward, an additional 5kg oftension gets placed on the neck and shoulders. 

Why are muscles too tight up? 

Muscle tension caused by forward head posture can cause a couple of problems, which affect both the soft tissues (ligaments, muscles, etc.) themselves and the structure as a whole. 

- Soft tissue: The constant stress from daily postures can deform supportive tissues like ligaments ormuscles, causing pain and tension.

- At the structural level: forward head posture can influence spinal alignment (rectification or reversalof the cervical curvature), which can overload the joints and wear out the discs,leading to restricted motion and premature degenerative changes.

Consequently, the body willreact by creating a muscle contraction to safeguard and stabilize the spine toprotect itself. That´s why tight neck andback muscles may not actually be the underlying problem but a protectivemechanism the body uses in response to injury.

In either case, it's important to address the root cause rather than the symptom.  

Can stretching help? 

What was described above isa common issue affecting people working desk jobs. Can you guess what they do to relieve muscle tension? They stretch!  This can be a good, however, it's important to stretch in the right direction. If not, it may also be counter productive and can even make the problem worse.  

For example, stretching your head forward (flexion) is not necessarily the best stretch for someone who sits all day, although it may feel good while doing it.

That's because the physical stressor affecting the muscles and spinal joints involves forward head posture. And by stretching farther into this same direction, you are placing excessive stress on the spine and its surrounding tissues in a direction that can further debilitating the structure. 

Actually, in this case, stretching may not be the best solution, and a muscle-strengthening programwould better suit this situation.

So, how do you deal with this type of problem?

Well, rather than treat symptoms, which are just pain signals, resolving the underlying issue to heal naturally is key. In the case of muscle pain our plan may include;

Manipulative Therapy: This treatment can restore proper function to specific segments of the spine, allowing the structure to heal more efficiently.

Postural Education: By eliminating painful stimuli, such as those from faulty postural habits, this can reduce physical strain that is contributing to the problem.  

IASTM—Soft tissue therapy: This technique promotes faster tissue regeneration, breaks down scar tissue, and reduces restrictions by engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Biomechanical Rehabilitation: Practice specific routines to stabilize your spine, restore proper function and improve posture to impact the spine in a positive manner.

Kinesiotape Tape: This is used to support and relieve pain in muscles, joints, and ligaments. It lifts the skin to create a small space between the muscle and dermis, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation.

At ChiroVitality, we use a multifaceted approach to healing. Our tailored treatment plans focus on your individual needs to ensure you receive the care you require to find lasting relief. Don’t let neck pain hold you back any longer.

Take the first step and book your initial assessment. If you’re unsure, contact us today to schedule a FREE 10-minute Virtual consultation with Dr. Nick so he can answer any questions you may have. Let’s work together to get you back to feeling your best!