
Empowering you to Health

Our Mission

ChiroVitality envisions a world where individuals can access personalized chiropractic care that is convenient, accessible, and focused on improving overall health and wellness.

We strive to empower and educate our patients to take control of their health and well-being, while also promoting the importance of maintaining balance and function throughout the body. Through our house-call service and personalized approach to care, we aim to make chiropractic an integral part of people's lives, helping them achieve optimal health and vitality.

Who are we?

We specialize in house-call chiropractic services, bringing a licensed chiropractor to your home for convenient and personalized treatment. This form of care offers the same high-quality services as an office but with added benefits such as privacy and comfort.

We prioritize getting patients better as quickly as possible in the fewest visits necessary and achieve this by focusing on personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. For us, healthcare is not just about treating physical symptoms – it’s about creating a positive, healing environment where patients feel comfortable and supported.

Meet our Practitioner

this is a picture of Dr. nick

Dr. Nicholas Necak, DC, CCSP

Dr. Nick was introduced to Chiropractic at age ten after a hockey injury left his neck locked up and in constant pain. He tried various treatments, but unfortunately, nothing helped. So, worried about the situation, his father took him to a chiropractor. And after his first adjustment, the change was dramatic. He could move his neck again, and the pain disappeared almost instantaneously.

The experience was so impactful that Dr. Nick wanted to become a chiropractor from that moment onward. He directed all his future studies toward that goal, and in 2005, he graduated from the University of Ottawa, receiving his Bachelor of Science Honors degree in Human Kinetics.

Afterwards, he moved to Dallas, Texas, where he completed his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker University in 2009. While at Parker, he was one of eight students selected for the Chiropractic Sports Internship with the Colombian Olympic Committee. That opportunity allowed him to gain valuable experience treating their National and Olympic-level athletes, including professional soccer players from La Equidad soccer club.

Seeing how Chiropractic was not well established in Latin America, Dr. Nick decided to move there to help develop the profession internationally. He operated his own private practice in Bogota and also treated high-performance and Olympic-level athletes from the Colombian Sports Institute (Coldeportes in Colombia).

Dr. Nick offers a wide range of techniques such as Diversified, Thompson Drop, Activator, Impulse IQ and Graston soft tissue Therapy. He is fluent in Spanish and is looking forward to serving the Ottawa community

Additional Info

Initial Assessment



Initial Assessment

The Key to a successful treatment is understanding the underlying issue affecting you. That's why the first step is to perform a comprehensive physical exam that assesses:

Once all the information is gathered, Dr. Nick will analyze the results to formulate a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

     Our Techniques

We use a wide range of techniques to unlock your body’s potential for health and recovery. Each method we use has been selected for its effectiveness and adaptability to individual needs. From relieving pain to enhancing mobility, our therapies are tailored to helping your body do what it was designed to do, heal naturally.

  • Manipulative Therapy

Manipulative therapy, or manual therapy targets musculoskeletal system (muscles, joints, and tendons) through skilled hand movements to improve mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance function.

The therapy encompasses mobilization—slow, controlled movements to increase flexibility—and manipulation, a quicker, forceful technique often accompanied by a ‘popping’ sound. Effective for conditions like back and neck pain, manipulative therapy combines with other treatments to restore bodily balance and function non-invasively.

  • IASTM - Soft Tissue Therapy

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) is a modern soft tissue therapy technique utilized to enhance the healing process and increase the efficiency of treatments.

Through specially designed tools that glide gently over the skin,  This technique allow the practititioner to deliver a precise, controlled therapeutic intervention that promotes faster regeneration of tissues, breaks down scar tissue, and reduces restrictions by engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

IASTM is particularly effective for patients recovering from sports injuries, surgeries, or those experiencing limited motion and pain in connective tissues.

  • Biomechanical Rehabilitation

Biomechanical Rehabilitation is an approach that emphasizes active patient involvement and education for back, neck, and extremity pain.

By focusing on self-treatment strategies, this technique empowers patients to manage their condition effectively at home, reducing dependency on medical interventions.

it’s especially beneficial for identifying specific exercises and postures that not only alleviate symptoms but also prevent future episodes, making it an essential part of our holistic approach to patient care.

  • Kinesiotape

Kinesiotape is a specialized sports tape used to support and relieve pain in muscles, joints, and ligaments. This elastic tape strategically lifts the skin to create a small space between the muscle and dermis, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation.

It can also be used to support weakened areas without restricting motion, thereby aiding in both the healing process and active rehabilitation. It is particularly beneficial for athletes or individuals with active lifestyles, as it not only accelerates recovery from injuries but also provides support during activities without compromising range of motion.


At ChiroVitality, patients benefit from a comprehensive approach to wellness that offers several key advantages:

Pain Relief and Reduced Inflammation: Our treatments effectively alleviate acute and chronic pain and reduce inflammation, helping patients return to their daily activities with greater comfort and less discomfort.

Enhanced Mobility and Functionality: Patients experience improved mobility and enhanced functionality, enabling a more active and fulfilling lifestyle without being limited by physical constraints.

Long-Term Health Improvement: Beyond short-term relief, our approach focuses on long-term health strategies to prevent recurrence of symptoms and promote sustainable well-being.

Empowerment Through Education: We emphasize patient education, equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to take control of their health, contributing to better self-management and informed health decisions.

These benefits reflect our commitment to not just treating symptoms but enhancing each patient’s overall quality of life through comprehensive, personalized care.