Low Back Pain

image of guy in pain holding his low back

Low Back Pain

Lumbalgia (or Lumbago) is a general term usedto describe pain in the lower back. It affects millions of people worldwide andcan be caused by abnormalities in the spine, joints, muscles, or nerves of the lower back.  

It´s so common that it affects over 80% of adults (typically job-related) at some point in their life, and can either beacute or chronic causing a dull, aching pain or sudden, sharp pain. 

Who does it affect? 

Low back pain can affect anyone, especially people who; 

- Work long hours at jobs tha tinvolve lots of sitting, bending and heavy lifting.
- Live sedentary a lifestyle and do not partake in regular exercise. 

What causes low back pain? 

Despite the fact that themajority of low back pain episodes (around 85%) have no definite diagnosis(non-specific), which is mechanical in nature. Meaning its due todysfunction of the spine.  Stress placed on the body from activities ofdaily living such as; 

- Bad posture
- Accidents
- Repetitive movements (bending over with your legs straight)

Initially, the spinal tissue may weaken and deform without causing pain. Eventually, like with any structure, when tolerance is exceeded, an injury then ensues, resulting in pain.  Basically, spinal issues caused by activities of daily living usually appear well after a problem has already developed, and this process may take many years. 

There are also underlying conditions that can cause pain such as; 

- Degenerative disc disease
- Herniated disc
- Facet syndrome
- Arthritis  

Low back pain, take it seriously. 

Although an initial episode of low back pain usually goes away within a few days or weeks (up to 90%), it most likely will comeback. Research shows that over 60% of people who have an episode of acute low back pain will have another within a year, and as many as 20% will develop chronic symptoms. 

This troubling statistic demonstrates that if a back injury is not dealt with properly, it has a high propensity of becoming acontinuous issue affecting a person's quality of life.

So, how do you deal with this type of problem?

Well, rather than treat symptoms, which are just pain signals, resolving the underlying issue to heal naturally is key. In the case of low back pain our plan may include;

Manipulative Therapy: This treatment can restore proper function to specific segments of the spine, allowing the structure to heal more efficiently.

Postural Education: By eliminating painful stimuli, such as those from faulty postural habits, this can reduce physical strain that is contributing to the problem.  

IASTM—Soft tissue therapy: This technique promotes faster tissue regeneration, breaks down scar tissue, and reduces restrictions by engaging the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Biomechanical Rehabilitation: Practice specific routines to stabilize your spine, restore proper function and improve posture to impact the spine in a positive manner.

Kinesiotape Tape: This is used to support and relieve pain in muscles, joints, and ligaments. It lifts the skin to create a small space between the muscle and dermis, enhancing circulation and reducing inflammation.

At ChiroVitality, we use a multifaceted approach to healing. Our tailored treatment plans focus on your individual needs to ensure you receive the care you require to find lasting relief. Don’t let neck pain hold you back any longer.

Take the first step and book your initial assessment. If you’re unsure, contact us today to schedule a FREE 10-minute Virtual consultation with Dr. Nick so he can answer any questions you may have. Let’s work together to get you back to feeling your best!